Andaman Deluxe Hotel Packages
Coral Eco Bay Resort, Havelock

Deluxe Categery Hotels
Coral Eco Bay Resort, Havelock

Coral Bay Resort is designed for travelers in search of a relaxing and eco-friendly holiday experience. The peaceful natural environment of Coral Bay Resort minimizes the stress of today’s urban lifestyle.
Our island style, thatched-roofed, wood and stone bungalows are spaced well apart from one another and surrounded by a profusion of greenery to ensure maximum privacy. Representing the ultimate value for money, each has a generous interior and a huge private balcony with plenty of comfy deck chairs and loungers, cooled by sea breezes and ceiling fans.
Commanding a view of extensive tropical gardens or the sea it makes a perfect daytime or nighttime hangout.
Whether you’re a carnivore or a vegetarian, a bon vivant or a teetotaler, you’ll find something to satisfy your needs on our extensive food and drink menu. Our guests often say we serve the best Thai food on the island. They appreciate that we don’t tone down the flavors to satisfy westernized notions of Thai cuisine…unless we’re specifically requested to do so.
Our new spa is located next to the swimming pool. With its cool interiors and intimate setting, it’s an ideal hideaway for a day of pampering and healing. Detox in the infrared sauna followed by a high pressure jet massage, then bliss out under the gentle care of our well-trained therapists. We take pride in using only the very best natural products to ensure that you benefit fully from each treatment with no possibility of an allergic reaction.

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Stop Global Warming!

Earth's surface has undergone unprecedented warming over the last century, particularly over the last two decades. To answer this question, patterns observed and as a result of an enormous scientific effort over the years to better understand the . .. Read more